An Overview Algorithms
An algorithm is a list of directions you give a computer to get something done.
The directions that programmers write is called an algorithm.
The order of the directions is called a sequence.
Giving directions to a person can be tricky. Giving directions to a computer is even trickier.
Why? A computer can only do exactly what you tell it to do, in exactly the order you tell it! A computer can’t ask questions or figure out what to do on its own if your directions are unclear.
So let's play a game!
Get the robot (or me, a computer program) to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! You will write out detailed instructions on how to make this classic and delicious sandwich. And then watch what happens. Can you beat a robot?!?
The PB&J Algorithm Game!
During this game, you will learn several programming concepts.
The nature of algorithms: Algorithms are a series of steps to be taken, much like a recipe.
The necessity for specificity: Computers do what they are told and nothing more, sometimes resulting in strange results.
Quality assurance: debugging through iterative improvements to your recipe so the "robot" will make just anything that even resembles a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.